The Weekly Wrap - March 20th, 2024

The Weekly Wrap

We're big fans of coffee shops and the role they can play in cultivating a strong sense of community - connecting with friends, learning new things, getting "the dirt" on what's happening in the neighborhood...  

We hope The Weekly Wrap helps a bit with keeping you in the loop!

Fun Fact

History was made on March 14, 2024 at Starbase in Boca Chica, TX. The largest and most powerful launch vehicle ever made by humans - named Starship - successfully made it into orbit during a test flight last week. This is a new achievement in all of human history and it is so cool to see it happening in our great state. Learn more about Starship and the other incredible work being done by the SpaceX team HERE.

Did You Know?

We have a truly special place in our neighborhood and it’s called Mercy Goods. Founded by our friend Zach Lambert in 2016, Mercy Goods has been part of the BHCK story from the beginning. From locally made merchandise & apparel to custom crafted furniture pieces, Zach and his team are exceptional at creating "goods that do good."  Learn more about Mercy Goods and how you can support its mission HERE.


Episode 62 of Aimee & Cody Do Coffee is live! Watch it on Facebook here or on Instagram here.