The Weekly Wrap - May 8th, 2024

The Weekly Wrap

We're big fans of coffee shops and the role they can play in cultivating a strong sense of community - connecting with friends, learning new things, getting "the dirt" on what's happening in the neighborhood...  

We hope The Weekly Wrap helps a bit with keeping you in the loop!

Fun Fact

Last week, Cody bumped into an interesting young couple on the patio at Blockhouse.  Turns out Britt & Ryan (and their dogs, Layla & Cedar) are world travelers of sorts, and parked their '89 Ford Sportsmobile in downtown Richmond to take a break from their road trip through TX.  They document their travel adventures (and misadventures) for our viewing pleasure on their YouTube channel called Rangeless.  Check out their videos HERE.  Safe travels, y’all!

Did You Know?

There's a thing called the Bortle scale that measures the brightness of the night sky in a given place?  Of course, you didn't...and that's okay!  

On the Bortle scale, the lower the score an area has, the darker the night sky tends to be.  A score of 1 is the best a place can hope for.  

Why is this a big deal?  Most of us rarely (if ever) get to look up at the night sky and see a blanket of stars - we live in places with too much artificial light.  

Big Bend National Park in west Texas is one of the few Bortle scale Class 1 places in all of the United States.  It's quickly becoming a pilgrimage destination for stargazers from around the world.  Check out this video to learn more about this incredible place and some of the people working to protect for generations to come.


Episode 69 of Aimee & Cody Do Coffee is live! Watch it on Facebook here or on Instagram here.