The Weekly Wrap - April 10th, 2024

The Weekly Wrap

We're big fans of coffee shops and the role they can play in cultivating a strong sense of community - connecting with friends, learning new things, getting "the dirt" on what's happening in the neighborhood...  

We hope The Weekly Wrap helps a bit with keeping you in the loop!

Fun Fact

We have an award-winning distillery in downtown Rosenberg and it's called Code 1028.  One of their exclusive, limited-run bottles of whiskey was auctioned at the Night in the Garden fundraiser event this past weekend and it fetched a $1,000 bid - setting a new record for the Code 1028 team!  Congrats (and thanks) to everyone who played a part in supporting the Fort Bend History Association on Saturday night.  Learn more about Code 1028 and the cool things they're doing in our community HERE.

Did You Know?

The Brazos River is a pretty volatile river with some significant erosion challenges, but you already knew that!  For years now, our county leaders have been working diligently to create (and fund) a plan to mitigate further damage at the most at-risk parts of the river.  Last week, it was announced that $26 million in funding has been secured to continue this crucial work.  Learn more about what this means for our community HERE.


Episode 65 of Aimee & Cody Do Coffee is live! Watch it on Facebook here or on Instagram here.